The tool makes use of Androids screencasting capabilities to encode your devices screen into an H264 video stream This stream is sent to your computer via USB or WiFi for advanced setups A cool thing is that scrcpy forwards keyboard and mouse inputs from your computer to your Android device allowing you to interact with the
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The VIA VAB5000 Android 130 EVK is developed based on the MediaTek Android 130 BSP and it enables the hardware features of the VIA VAB5000 board 11 EVK Package Contents There are three folders in the package listed as below Firmware folder Description VIAVAB5000Android130EVKzip Android evaluation image
Installing VIA Client for Android The following sections describe the procedures to install the VIA Client for Android which includes downloading the VIA Client from the Android Play Store installing the software on the Android device and then downloading the VPN profiles that will determine how VIA securely connects to your network
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Connect to the phone via adb over Wifi and start the sshd Not very comfortable but it works without access to the phone via adb over USB Update 25122024 Due to the energy saving functions of Android the wifi connection can be put into sleep mode too often so that the ssh connection to the phone is very sluggish
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First go to the Android Studio download page and grab the latest stable release for your operating system I recommend using a Windows Mac or Linux machine as the Android emulator performs better on these platforms Once downloaded launch the Android Studio installer apk or dmg file for Mac and follow the prompts to complete setup
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